After I wrote the super late “what I did last week because I’m sure someone cares” post, I realized that I hadn’t posted the image of Illidan that I drew, making it hard to link to it. Fucking idiot.

Anyway, here’s a quick sketch I did of Illidan Stormrage from World of Warcraft.

You are not prepared. (Seriously, what other caption is there?)
You are not prepared. (Seriously, what other caption is there?)

Tools: Pigma Micron, Moleskine DottedWorld of Warcraft

  1. I did stuff: 10/12/15-10/15/15 | Smokie Does Stuff
    Oct 29, 2015

    […] on a larger version of Illidan in graphite. Hopefully I can tweet it out during BlizzCon on November 7 & […]
