Overwatch: McCree

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So I participated in the stress test and the open beta for Overwatch. I might be addicted. I spent way too many late nights and hours blowing shit up with Junkrat, flying around like a lunatic with Pharah, and zooming through enemy fire with Mercy. HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER.

Ahem. Anyway, my friends and I are all jonesing super bad since it doesn’t release until May 24, so I drew McCree, one of the heroes, for my husband. He wanted a graphite drawing, and I chose the cover of McCree’s comic as I thought it was a great image. Turns out that doing graphite shading when the original is shaded with watercolor-esque is fucking hard.

This is one of the only drawings I’ve ever done that I like; that just doesn’t fucking happen. Next up: Junkrat!

Tools used: Bristol paper, graphite pencils